Chris Olmstead

Personal Trainer and Owner of Success Fitness

As a highly sought-after Personal Training Professional in Salem, Chris has been in the fitness industry since 2002, and has been a personal trainer since 2005. In 2011 Chris decided that he wanted to open his own gym focused more on his members – providing them with the best training and fitness experience while catering to their personal goals through a comfortable and friendly environment.

“Having been involved in the fitness business for several years I wanted to improve the standard of training in my community. Quite simply, I wanted to provide an experience where good training programs with qualified instruction were more important than the bottom line so I set out to create a solution. That’s when I decided to open my own gym in a different style than any other local gym.”

Chris Olmstead, Owner

Established in 2011

Success Fitness has been serving Salem since November 2011. We focus on relationships with our members, customer service that exceeds your expectations and education designed to help you get the most out of your workouts and have the most Success possible!

We are not your typical “hard core” gym depicted in most magazines and television shows. We cater your programs to enhance your lifestyle based on improving the activities in your life such as running, golfing, biking, hiking, etc.

All our memberships include personal coaching, sport specific training, fitness coaching and nutritional guidelines if needed.

Experience first

What truly sets us apart from the rest of the gyms in the area is that we are one of the few fitness facilities you can experience before you make a commitment. You can come in, meet with myself, talk with other members and spend 21 days with us to see if our gym is for you, without any risk or obligation. More importantly – we are the only fitness facility whose sole focus is not on membership costs – but on our member’s results. We understand that making an active choice to work out in your busy schedule is difficult.

“Will I like the other members? Will I really stick with it this time? Is it worth the cost?” These are fair questions that can only be answered by coming in to meet us. It’s hard to hide bad service, poor staff or a lack of knowledge face-to-face.

Give us a try

Come in and try our gym for 21 days and by the end of the 21 days we are positive you won’t want to leave. We’re proud of what we do here at Success Fitness and feel that if given the chance you’ll want to join our gym. We’ve been servicing clients in the community for more than 10 years and are proud to be a locally owned and operated business.

You can reach us by phone at 503-967-6270 or email us at [email protected]

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and we look forward to personally meeting you in our gym.

View our Membership Plans to see which fits you best